How To Play Poker: Seeing Through Your Opponent’s Moves

Anyone who wants to learn how to play poker and watched a game of poker on television has seen players using tells to try and get an edge over the competition. A tell is any mannerism or behavior that gives clues about a player’s hand. While some players are better at hiding their tells than others, even the most experienced player will give off subtle cues that can be interpreted by a keen observer.

One of the most important poker skills is learning how to read these tells. By paying attention to betting patterns, body language, and other factors, you can gain valuable information about your opponents’ hands. This knowledge can help you make better decisions about when to bet, how much to bet, and whether to call or fold. While there is no surefire way to always win at poker, mastering the art of reading tells can give you a significant advantage over the competition.

Source: GGPoker

How To Learn Poker Tells:

Betting Patterns

One of the most reliable ways to read an opponent’s hand is to pay attention to their betting patterns. If a player consistently bets early in a hand, they are likely to have a strong hand. Conversely, if a player only bets after other players have already bet, they are more likely to be bluffing. Another tell to look for is a player who only continues betting after they have been raised. This usually indicates a strong hand as well.


The way a player acts can also give you clues about their hand. For example, if a player fiddles with their chips or cards, they are likely to be nervous and maybe bluffing. Alternatively, if a player takes their time before making a bet, they are likely to have a strong hand. If a player hesitates before betting, they may be trying to bluff.

Body Language

Another important clue about an opponent’s hand can be found in their body language. Players who are confident about their hands will often sit up straight and make eye contact with the other players. On the other hand, players who are unsure of their hands may slouch in their seats or avoid eye contact.

Facial Expressions

Players’ facial expressions can also give clues about their hands. If a player raises their eyebrows or smile when they look at their cards, they likely have a good hand. However, if a player looks worried or anxious, they may be bluffing.

Source: Pixabay

Tone of Voice

The tone of a player’s voice can also be telling. If a player speaks quickly or loudly, they may be bluffing. Alternatively, if a player takes their time and speaks softly, they are likely to have a strong hand.

Table Talk

Finally, don’t forget to listen to the way your opponents talk. The way someone talks can often give away how they are feeling about their hand. If someone is bluffing, they may talk a lot in an attempt to intimidate the other players. Alternatively, if someone has a good hand, they may be quiet in order to downplay their hand and avoid drawing attention to themselves. Another tell to look for is a player who brags about their hand after they have won a pot. This usually indicates a weak hand.

Source: GGPoker

How Do You Play Poker While Reading Your Opponents

There are a few things to keep in mind when trying to read people at the poker table.

  1. Be observant. Look for any subtle cues that might give you a clue as to what someone is feeling or thinking.
  2. Remain calm. Detach yourself from the situation; this will help you avoid getting caught up in the emotions of the game and making mistakes.
  3. Trust your instincts. If something feels off about a particular player, it probably is.
  4. Look for patterns. Pay attention to the way your opponents bet and raise – do they always do it the same way? If so, that’s a tell.
  5. Look for changes in behavior. If an opponent who normally plays very conservatively suddenly starts betting wildly, that’s a tell.

By following these tips, you can learn how to take advantage of knowing how to read people in poker and increase your chances of winning.

How To Play Poker For Beginners Online

While experienced players can sometimes pick up on tells just by watching their opponents’ body language, beginners may have a harder time. However, there are still several things that beginners can do to practice reading poker tells. One way is to watch poker videos and look for patterns in the players’ behavior. Another is to play online poker and pay attention to how other players bet and behave when they have different kinds of hands. GGPoker is a great place to learn how to read people in poker because it’s easy to see what everyone is doing and there is a wide range of skill levels represented. Sign up today at GGPoker and take the time to learn how to read poker tells, beginners can give themselves a significant advantage over their opponents.

Source: GGPoker


Paying attention to these tells can give you a significant advantage in poker. However, it is important to remember that not all players will exhibit the same tell every time they have a particular hand. The best way to use tells to your advantage is to gain experience and pay attention to the betting patterns and actions of your opponents over time. By doing this, you can get a better sense of when they are likely to be bluffing and when they have a strong hand. The more you play, the better you’ll become at reading poker tells. 

